Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Year 3 & 4

Year 3 & 4
Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2
Art Abstract Art Cityscape Myths and Legends
Computer Science Computing systems and networks—The Internet Data Logging Programming: Repetition in Shapes Stop Frame Animation Creating Media—Photo Editing Programming: Repetition in Scratch
Design Technology What is Design and Technology? Linked Levers Frame structures Things to Remember Vegetable soup
French Je Me Presente (Presenting Myself) En Famille (The Family) Les Habitats (Habitats) Au Café (At the Café) En Classe (In the Classroom) Boucle d'Or Et Les Trois Ours (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
Geography Maps of the world Europe Landscapes: Weathering The Water Cycle
History Stone Age The Romans The Egyptians
Music Creating Compositions (Theme: Mountains) Developing Singing Technique (Theme: The Vikings) Ballads Pentatonic melodies and composition (Theme: Chinese New Year) Jazz Traditional instruments and improvisation (Theme: India)
PE Invasion games (rugby, Hockey) Dance Invasion Games
Net and Wall Games (Tennis)
Outdoor and adventurous Activities
Athletics Striking and Fielding (Cricket, Rounders)
PSHE Family and relationships Citizenship
Belonging to a community
Economic Wellbeing
Money and Work
Health and Wellbeing
Physical health and mental wellbeing
Safety and the changing body. Growing and changing. Safe relationships. Media literacy and digital resilience.
RE Islam—What are the main concepts in Islam? Islam—What is the purpose of visual symbols in a mosque? Hinduism—How is Hindu workshop expressed collectively? Judaism and Humanism—Why do we celebrate?
Science Understanding Humans and Animals
Investigating Materials
Investigating Sound and Hearing
Understand Evolution and Inheritance
Understand Electrical Circuits
Investigating Living Things