Physical Education
Curriculum Leader: Miss Emma Robinson
Intent: It is our aim at Theddlethorpe Academy to develop the physical, social and mental wellbeing of our children through a broad and well-rounded Physical Education curriculum. As part of a whole school approach, Physical Education intends to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, developing life skills such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving, which will support them in the future.
Our approach to teaching Physical Education is to develop the progression of skills through the year groups. Our aim is to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities from Early Years Foundation Stage up to Key Stage 2.
In KS1 we aim to give children the access to key fundamentals within sports, rather than be specific to each area. This will include key motor skill development, such as improving running and jumping. Improve balance, agility and co-ordination and the opportunity to apply these skills within a range of activities. We also aim to ensure each child forms a healthy bond with sports and fitness.
In KS2 children will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills. Effective communication will be taught, and the importance of team work and collaborating with each other. Pupils will play within a competitive environment learning game team-based sports e.g. football, hockey, netball, handball etc.
Pupils will cover activity areas such as Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics, and Outdoor and activities therefore develop flexibility, strength and balance within gymnastics and dance. Alongside this, pupils will be given the opportunity to attend swimming lessons in year 3/4 where they are aiming to reach a standard at which they are safe and confident in the water.

In addition to curriculum provision, our intent is to provide children with opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities that are inclusive, enjoyable and increase children’s physical activity. Annually, the academy will support national events such as Sport Relief and celebrate sporting events from around the world. As part of our wider leadership programme and to support these extra-curricular activities, we will teach sports leadership to aspiring KS2 pupils, who in turn will use these skills to assist the Physical Education staff and pupils at these events. Our sporting year culminates in the whole school sports day event for all year groups, celebrating success and achievement, and importantly, effort and participation.
We intend to continue raising the profile of sport and its importance, through celebratory assemblies, stories on the website, attending local sporting events and competitions, displaying images around the academy and through the Year 6 Awards ceremony, where achievement is celebrated, alongside sports leadership.
When our children leave for secondary education, it is our intention that we have produced young people who are physically active, having positive implications for their learning in the classroom. We want our children to understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise. All pupils will understand the values and importance of fair play and being a good sportsperson. Our children will understand how to compete with good etiquette, where their sportsmanship is regularly commented on by competing schools. Our children will show valuable sports leadership skills which in turn will be useful for their future. Our aim is for children to enjoy Physical Education and develop a love of sport, and we hope that they pursue sports in future life, when they leave Theddlethorpe Academy.