Curriculum Leader: Miss Emma Robinson
Intent: At Theddlethorpe Academy, our aim is to promote writing within all aspects of the curriculum. Children are provided with opportunities to develop their skills from Foundation Stage to Year 6; providing a consistent approach to the children's learning across the whole school. Children will develop their skills by exploring a range of genres; building upon their knowledge linked to a chosen text type. In order to achieve this, children will develop their knowledge of genre features, language and effective composition to enable them to apply their understanding across the English curriculum. We encourage children to reflect on their writing, edit, and improve their work. By the time children leave the academy, our aim is that, they have become competent and enthusiastic writers with the ability to apply their understanding in all aspects of the curriculum.

What approach do we take to teaching writing? In KS1 & 2 Writing is taught through focusing on a specific genre for approximately a three-week period. The children's love for writing is captured through focusing on a specific book or short text that links to the genre. Children are taught and given the opportunity to develop specific grammar and composition skills within this period. Alongside this, we use Milestones for teachers and Curriculum Leaders to monitor coverage and track progress across the curriculum, ensuring appropriate sequencing is in place. We use the milestones created by Chris Quigley Education, in conjunction with our planning to ensure the children develop their knowledge and skills as they move from Early Years through to Key Stage 1 and 2.